Saw a photo on Facebook from Rawmarsh yesterday with the police stopping everyone at a roadblock and posters cheering them on. Chilling, like the police should be given unquestioning powers to stop us. Roadblocks in peace time? Jesus. It’s like people don’t have a clue.
And neither do you . The police should be patrolling the streets to stop attacks on properties . It will be martial law before we know it .
with so many selfish w.ankers still being irresponsible you can’t blame the police can you, well obviously you can for some reason L
Who is in the wrong? People refusing to comply with the law and causing everyone else untold misery (as well as potentially many deaths) or the police for trying to stop them?
One would have thought that the OP would fully understand the need for such actions to be put in place as many are clearly flouting the government recommendations. I have just arrived home from a 13 hour shift in the NHS and i believe his wife has recently finished one too so he should be fully aware of the desperate situation we are facing. This post is not really about the police stopping people: it's not hard to work out.
There's one set up right outside my flat. Been in operation over the weekend. Cones still there so looks like it will be a permanent feature. I'm far less keen on a police state and martial law than many that post on here.
From what I have read from people stopped by the police they have been polite and friendly with the public. If you have no presence then it won't take long until people just ignore the rules. Whether or not a person agrees with the policy the government have taken I think everyone should respect it.
There’s always 2 tendencies on human affairs especially when funnelled through social media. The first is the tendency to hysteria which feeds on its self and creates a world in its image, the second is denial, the irrational rejection of information we have. How do we know which one is true? Amazingly we can now find the will to house every single homeless person, something previously the policy of “communist” and “ snow flakes”. Are we going to throw them out after this is over? Likewise, is the state going to give up its new found powers? There is a compelling conspiracy narrative which plausible argues we are seeing a state led power grab. We are clearly in a non-juridical gray zone. That totality is the very essence of totalitarianism, yes let’s all project our virtue signaling on the internet - btw I’ve not driven for 2 weeks, how good am I? But let’s not forget that the state doesn’t have our best interests at heart. Assertion of control and power is the goal, always, don’t forget that.
You've made a basic error in that you've omitted to contextualise your statements/claims from a Democratic perspective.
Please explain our democracy in the light of: 1) the demographic mix of our representatives 2) the voting system 3) the Press 4) the lobbying system’s 5) political donations 6) the number of different parties who have held government since WW2. 7) the role of MI5 and its scrutiny under the parliamentary system.
I usually hate anything to do with police overstepping the Mark, BUT There’s a major difference to a police state or martial law to polite police trying to cut down on the number of people seemingly hell bent on breaking movement rules that were imposed to try to slow the spread of a virus that’s killing people.
The police can stop me any time, anywhere and ask me what I'm doing, where I'm going, where I've been. And I'll tell them. Like the vast majority of people, I've nothing to hide. I'm glad they've been given these new powers.
Police can stop me and ask me and I can tell them to bugger off and I do, I’ve had it on a few occasions and if I’m going about my business they can go spin, like I say some people just don’t get it. They are paid by me, under police by consent. Many police forces have proved themselves unworthy of my trusting support- they cover up extra judicial murder in Northern Ireland, they lied on mass at hillsborough, they fitted up miners, they covered up paedo gangs, Jesus I wouldn’t trust them with my birthday money.
They've also had to deal with a lot of dangerous situations, had to tell relatives of loved ones that they'd died, broken up peado rings etc etc.