Woeful tactics again from a pub league manager all roads lead back to the board and their real intentions which isn’t about what’s in the pitch the community or us supporters how’s Mr Conway’s diary looking loko for the fans meeting ? Still busy I take it
He's ( Conway) gonna have to make a statement when we are confirmed as relegated surely. That'll be an entertaining read.
@exiled - something like this? Now is the time the club really needs the fans to step up, this fantastic early bird offer means you can support the club you love and help us bounce back from the disappointment of relegation. All of us at Oakwell know just how much this club means to you and the whole Barnsley community. We have learnt from our mistakes and will ensure that we learn and put things right for you, our valued supporters. The matchday experience will be enhanced as we value each and everyone of you. Sign up for the early bird offer before April 30th and as well as getting your matchday experience for less than £15 a game you’ll also receive an exclusive loyal supporter pack. Red for Ever.
The cynic in you may well think that. Conway ain't got that in him, he can only dream of coming up with summat as emotional as that. 21 words.
I don't think he actually said anything incorrect. The issue is, he saw how the game unravelled as a positive, rather than the surrender that it clearly was.
****** it we me. After 40 years enough is enough Champ or league 1Armchair fan now till summat changes. ******* parasites Buying half a Europe.