Years ago, when the council and Cryne jointly took control of Oakwell Stadium and surrounding land, they sold a small section of the Ponte End car park to housing developers. Right at the bottom where the ‘new builds’ are sited. The money from this sale would have gone back into the account of the Council and Cryne. So my question is, what happened to that money? And what happens to all the rent that has been collected over the years. Obviously it is split 50/50, and what the Cryne’s do with it is private. So what has BMBC done with their share? If I’m right, both parties will have re-couped their initial investment by now, and may be making a decent return on their investment. The question is not about accusations and mud-slinging, just a curiosity to what’s happening with the money, in particular on the BMBC side.
I would think it has gone into a fund like the one when they sell council owned properties. Then the Govt. deduct that amount from any monies owed to Barnsley Council.