I’ve seen lord lucan and Jesus more times recently than I’ve seen or heard from Mr uuuuuu s of a Conway and Brek sheas twin brother our wonderful fan engaging ceo whatever his name is dale Dane des disco dentist dev ???? Their silence is deafening. They have asset stripped us banked money and apart from odour and Chaplin out of the 13 or 14 impersonators for footballers our blind scouting network have fetched in exactly what have they got right on and off the pitch. Zero investment Zero ambition Zero difference with off the field improvements False promises Club shop / match day catering / match day entertainment / match day experience / fan engagement / direction of the club is all an utter f***ing shambles the list goes on and on of their failures and lack of ambition Are these people supposedly successful businessmen because they have driven this wonderful club into the ground and set us back years. The only thing that will ***** their ears up is when the season ticket sales drop by a half next season but by then Chaplin Woodrow mowatt and brown will have all been sold and the £7 million we undersell all four of them for will offset the relegation losses and in the meantime we become instantly overnight a mid table league one team in the pub league still carrying some of these half bakes we’ve signed for several more years on their contracts. We go down then we’ve no chance of coming back up for a while. Whilst I’m on the soapbox I’ll just single out one player who should have a bell tied around his neck so we can hear him coming and lock the gates at jokewell when he gets within 400 yards of it. ANDERSEN....god almighty how the hell is this charity case allowed to wear a red shirt week in week out because 9 games out of 10 the frank spencer of jokewell gifts a goal away every bloody week. I’d rather play with ten men than have him in the team he is a total disaster. I know he’s not the only plant pot we’ve signed but Christ he is woeful. God knows the defensive gifts we give equate to how many lost points so far ? Assett strip year after year and then go bin dipping for lower league and foreign dross is a business model that will never work and the second relegation in 3 seasons is testament to how badly run this club is by people who do not show any ambition and just leave us fans in the dark. didn’t take long for Nice FC to work them out......how long do the supporters of BFC sit back and watch the club go backwards before our eyes didn’t even sign a single player for the first team in the January window.....that just says it all about their ambition and what they think of the supporters enjoy counting the profits whilst in the meantime the club is dying on its arse
Agreed. Ten bob billionaire cretins at the helm I’m afraid. They need to sell up and fook off sharpish.
Frank Spencer frankie Howard benny hill take your pick !! Andersen should be called pudsey bear with the charitable goals he gives away every week !! Should have got somebody like warnock in as my faith in Struber is going downhill rapidly also 12k + last night ? my arse hopefully the empty seats will give the locusts who own us an idea of what’s to come in league one mid table doldrums What does our CEO do ? Is he a mute ?
Knew it seemed too good to be true when this lot took over. Talked an amazing game and it seemed like an amazing thing for the club. But in fact it has been the total opposite and they have made me fall out of love with going to the games. I haven't been to a match since the dreadful cup game Vs Carlise and I wont be going again anytime soon as I am not paying hard earned money to line the pockets of those idiots while they sit there refusing to invest.
Really good rant this one! But on Mads... Well, Halme, what's he done wrong? Get him and Sollbauer at CB, I know Sollbauer isn't as good but at least he performs a bit better than Mads. Tbf, I've said it for the past few weeks, Jack Walton would start for me over Collins and Radlinger.
Yes. Good rant but with one big flaw. “Enjoy counting the profits” - either you live on the moon or think the earth is flat.
Un unfortunately I believed the hype and bought a ST this season (which my mates have had more use of than me ) because like you I’ve become so disillusioned with this lot I just cant be ar$ed to go. Terrible times ahead for us nowt but a player development factory now. No ST for me nxt season will dip my toe in now and again. Can’t see Struber lasting longer than October then it’ll be another unknown. Reight laugh innit.
its a shambles. I haven't had a ST for a number of years and certainly wont have one next year either
Hi bright red this board have one interest only and that’s the sound of the till ringing they have asset stripped our club and done nothing on and off the pitch to improve anything at all. if somebody put a bid in for the half time draw man the programme seller or Toby tykes false head these locusts would bank it all that uuuuuuuuu s of a razzmatazz and false promises they made when they first took over and absolute zilch has happened including buying the land etc etc Sold us all down the river.... get ready for banking £7 million when the only four saleable assets we have Chaplin Woodrow mowatt and brown will be sold.....what then another rebuild and start again ? Groundhog Day......and constantly going backwards as a club and the disconnect between the fans just gets bigger... clubs on its arse mate because of these locusts
Hi Pompey The league one side that got promoted was great watching them until they ripped the spine out of the team and sold our best players for peanuts to the first club to shake their wallets at them. Instead of adding a mixture of experience and youth all this board wanted to do was asset strip for profit. Didn’t matter by then did it because the season ticket sales money was already in the till. fair enough if you’re happy with this board and their ambition then that’s your opinion. think you will find you’re in a huge minority with that
So sad what's happening to us and other clubs with owners coming in who have no interest in the long term future of the club but are out to get what they want and then dump us
Love it ! You can almost see the spittle flying out of his mouth and his Private Fraser eyes bulging as he's typing that wonderful rant. Keep it up WWM !!!