I presume the rule of six will be you can mix with other households and don't have to buy a 'substantial meal'. Hopefully normality is before July as I reckon deep down the government will be after trying to get pubs and bars packed in June for the European Championship.
The government will definitely be basing their entire strategy on a football tournament largely happening elsewhere in Europe. apart from that the rule of 6 will he trotted out like the “5 a day”. made up bollöcks they think the population will buy.
I hope you are right - Ive had a UK holiday cancelled in November which I moved to March - and just been contacted by the manager where we are staying saying he had it on good authority they wont be allowed to open before April - so moved it again to end of April. For me its annoying but for the place we are staying its threatening their entire livelyhood - a problem affecting the entire hospitality industry.
we keep kicking our UK holiday can down the road, same as you was November, then end of March, looks like will not be able to go if you are right
I also had a seperate New Year holiday booked which was also cancelled and now rolled over to next New Year - though at the moment I have genuinely no clue what the chances are
Not sure I’d take the word of the Telegraph. Press conference I saw today the govt would commit to schools being open until after Easter.
I think such a big story coming out from the Torygraph it will be pretty trustworthy and got from a very good source. I think we would take being able to enjoy easter with friends and family we haven't seen in ages, but July is no good for hospitality who could really do with normality for June for the European Championships. It would be fantastic news for Football clubs to be able to sell season passes off the back of.
Sincerely hope so. I’d even take just restaurants opening to start with. Need somewhere to go and socialise....
The Torygraph has close ties to our masters though so they probably have a good source. The problem is that implies they are competent to plan 3 and 6 months ahead which the most demonstrably are not - they cant even plan 3 - 6 days ahead so I have no idea what will actually happen. if the new cases chart continues the downward trend of the last couple of weeks there is a good chance but I wouldnt even bet someone elses money on predicting anything like forward planning from the cheif clown
Just going with my dads place in the vaccine queue. He’s 70 with preexisting conditions and not expected to be bed until April. But you are right it would be no surprise to see them bugger things up again.
Yeah - in the nicest possible way, if his overly-positive sources had been correct, there'd have been a vaccine in September last year.
This thread is just nonsense. The Govt have no idea what they will be doing in April. Hell, they don’t know what they are doing Mid Feb. Press conjecture is just that.
yes. It’s great to try to be positive. To be fair we are all near breaking point. I’d do pretty much anything to go out for a meal or a pint but it doesn’t seem close to me atm.
One of the most difficult things right now is looking around the World and seeing hospitality opening up indoors and outdoors. All the while we're posting a different story every Sunday night jumping from March to May to April and back around again. Yet we keep bragging about one of the best vaccination performances but make little progress on trying to reduce the far greater damage being caused by the never-ending lockdowns.