That guy who is normally the "expert" on skys coverage of championship fixtures (and recently some prem games) who used to play for wednesday.. cant remember his name, partially because i always call him as MR Hindsight.. best pundit ever at calling something after the event or saying what a striker should have done after a missed attempt.. just never calls anything in advance. Really pisses me off that guy. Then the usuals Paul Scholes Steve Mcmanaman Robbie Savage Sue Smith Eni Oluko These are just the ones off the top of my head... could go on for ages if i thought about it, which would probably make it easier to name the ones i actually like.
All of them, I just turn on for kick-off make a cuppa at half-time and switch off with the final whistle. With the vast majority of the in-game pundits and even an increasing number of the commentators I'd prefer to have stadium sound only and in the current absence of that option now often press mute and listen to some music whilst watching.
Nah. Him, Wrighty and Keane, only 3 worth having. And Ali McCoist as co commentator. All the rest are guff.
Walked in yesterday literally at end of game and thought would put it on, surprised to see the channel advertising us was reporting on SW V D. Anyways Lee Hendrie came on saying Barnsley were not on it, then literally a minute later said P came out second half and we were all over them pushing for an equaliser until they scored. Surely if we were dominate 2nd half we couldn’t have been not on it.