All arrivals into England must now self isolate and have a test paid for out of your own pocket. Should it be negative you can leave self isolation after 5 days. A positive test means you get to stop in for a further ten days. You can use public transport to get back home though. You are required to show a negative Covid test no older than 72 hours when entering the UK or get fined. No one is allowed to travel from a "Red Zone" country except UK and ROI nationals who will be made to quarantine at a hotel for ten days. Again payable out of your own pocket. Along with the two tests you are required to undertake. Should you refuse to say that you have come from a Red Zone country or try to hide the fact you can face up to 10 years imprisonment. Those leaving the UK will soon have to make a declaration explaining why you are flying overseas which will be checked by the carrier. Should it be "non essential" you go back home. I'll be eating Carbs cos there wont be any Marbs this summer.
If I could afford it and could stomach flying I'd have loved a few days in the sun. Just to recharge the grey matter if anything.
Seems perfectly reasonable to me that paedos get a shorter sentence than people who say they've been to Spain when really it was Portugal. Sensible proportionality.
As covid is never going away, at what point do you think people should be allowed to go abroad? Never?
No offence Stephen, but did it fudge. Being 100 years old killed him. 100 year old people die, it’s what they do.
Well, yes, he’s in the stats. But he actually went into hospital with double pneumonia. He caught the Vid while he was in there.
No offence but if he’d been 90 you’d have said that. Yet inexplicably he lived another 10 years, if he hadn’t got Covid he might only have lasted another 6 months, but also it could have been another 10 years. It’s all supposition from there on. We all die; it’s what we do. But that doesn’t mean that our death isn’t attributable to something.
He didn’t get it on holiday though. He got it in hospital, like so many have. Where he was already there for a potentially fatal illness.