wow. The guy covering Cardiff - Brentford needs to chill a bit! Had to turn the tv down. Awful listening.
Yes cracking hat trick by the Brentford lad. That's the next level we need to aspire to if we want to progress
don't talk daft its the rugby union football tactics that's the future, keep them blocked in their half #you4020reds
Could be worse could be having all possession 0 shots on target and losing to the odd goal or scraping a draw like strubers 1st 5 games. Or passing it around the back 4 like the old lee jay days and then getting sucker punched just be glad we're winning games.
Can't be as bad as the BBC's Vicki Sparks. It's like a drill being inserted into your lughole. She was commentating on the Fulham v Southampton game yesterday on MOTD. I watched it with the sound off which made it an even more boring 0-0 draw.