Why they wanted a statue of Maggie Thatcher fk knows.. ?! suppose its least yud expect from a town on the edge of ScabLand..
Approximately one third of Grantham's electorate voted Labour, Liberal, Independent or Green in 2017. But hey, let's label them all scabs anyway. Jeez.
https://www.theguardian.com/world/2...ing-theresa-may-for-sidestepping-human-rights This is far more depressing. Let’s cuddle a dictator in the off chance they give us a scrap from the table.
ffs You do like defending Tories and scabs .. I never called them anything.. the qt audience is always rightwing ,middle class and Tory.. i said scabland ie central south notts/Mansfield ..int that now a Tory town too.. no doubt you were upset at the comment cos I slated Maggie Thatcher ..
To be fair I imagine Grantham is likely to be a tad more pro Thatcher than most places in the north given she was born and grew up there.
How does "scabland" differ from Trump calling all african countries "shitholes"? You, quite rightly, argue against racism and then designate a whole area "scabland".
You can't believe me making a direct comparis between you and Trump? That's rich from someone who used to revel in calling me Toryboy. By the way, I asked you back then to trawl back through every comment I've ever made on here to find one of right wing leanings. You never came back...as expected. See ya.
The "Grocer's daughter from Grantham!" Allegedly, her father liked looking up young girls' skirts. Just something I read freely available on the t ' Internet. Such a nice, God fearing group the Tories !
The "Grocer's daughter from Grantham!" Allegedly, her father liked looking up young girls' skirts. Just something I read freely available on the t ' Internet. Such a nice, God fearing group the Tories !