Anyone been watching it? Watching it makes it more and more unbelievable to think it happened in real life lol
I can't. Michael sheen is a brilliant actor but it's too distracting having them try to make him look and sound like Chris tarrant. All I can think of is some kind of ventriloquist dummy
I know what you mean, not a lot of thought gone into it has there. Even used the same questions he was asked (I think.) I was 12 when it originally aired and too naive to suspect a thing, looking back it was so so blatant
Sheen is excellent. He managed to sound like Brian Clough in the film " The Damned United" and his portrayal of Chris Tarrant even down to his facial expressions is uncanny. The only criticism for me, was how they have managed to drag it out to three nights viewing.
What about the show before? The one where he starts and gets up to a few grand? I could have swore I’d watched him live but memory probably playing tricks on me
Sheen himself yes. I think he's brilliant. Its more the makeup and the attempt to make him look like him but not quite right that's distracting me.
Hmm not sure about that, I presume not as it would ruin the sequence for TV. I only found out this morning after Michael Sheen tweeted about it, I could’ve sworn I’d watched it at the time too.
He's one of the best actors around for being able to completely turn himself into anything and anyone he wants. Just wish they hadn't made him look so cheesy.
Neither of the episodes were shown at the time. They were due to be broadcast on 15 & 18 September 2001, but were both filmed just before the 9/11 tragedy.
I think the confusion comes from the fact that while the majors episode wasn't shown the episode that featured his accomplice was. So people saw the accomplice in the trial and in the documentary and remembered seeing HIM on the actual show. That plus there was a documentary after the trial that showed a lot. The reason people don't really remember the episode being shown in full a couple of years later is that it wasn't on itv it was only shown on itv2
It's getting a lot of rave reviews on social media, especially Michael Sheen and McCrory? the Ingram's barrister. It was a great watch, but I thought that, as a docu-drama, it was slanted a little too much in favour of the Ingrams. They played out the defence barrister's summing up in full, but not that of the prosecuting counsel, which seemed unbalanced. There were huge unanswered questions about 'The Syndicate' and Spooner, as well as the others who were quite blatantly trying to find ways of blagging their way to a million. I think that aspect should be the subject of a follow-up programme. It wasn't as analytical as the Jeremy Bamber programme (different 'crime' I know). Brilliant acting and drama, but objectively a bit flawed, I thought. I would love to see a follow-up looking more closely into the various operations which were happening in secret to win the million, or close to it. A good point was made was about the influence of the live audience in such a show. There have to be clues to a contestant as to whether their chosen answer is right, or wrong, and that could well have played a part in the strange way in which Major Charles chose to answer the questions. There always has to be a question-mark about quiz shows with a live audience, that the audience might deliberately, or inadvertently, play a part in the answers which the contestants give. Brilliant stuff, but the jury is still out for me regarding guilt, or not.