If you are on Twitter go find the new Sainsbury’s Christmas advert and read the state of the comments. I know they don’t represent most people, but the fact people feel entitled to come out as themselves with blatant racist comments tells us that there’s a lot more work to do here.
I haven't seen it, but based on the conversations I have with my mum, I can guess. She complains that adverts are 'full of blacks', and that 'it isn't our country any more.' I assume that's the thrust of the tweets.
I've made it clear that I disagree with her, and when she complains about such things, I don't offer any supportive or affirming comments. Both my parents are very racist. Not in the sense they're going to commit a crime, but in the sense that their views are entrenched, and there's no changing them. I don't think there's anything I can do that will shift the dial, so to speak. I hate to say 'it is what it is', but it is what it is.
Apologies I have seen it but the colour of their skin didn't even register with me ... just another one of those cheesy Chritsmas ads.
are they really racist or just used to a certain way and scared of change, world changes all the time,who would believe it was once illegal to be gay, madness!
They are 81 and 68, so it's easy to dismiss it as them being children of their time. But my dad has said he is 'racist, and proud of it', so that answers the question as far as he is concerned. As for my mum, she uses words I wouldn't, and is genuinely affronted by non-white faces on adverts and such, so I don't know what that makes her.
That’s society today I’m afraid, can’t believe the stuff folk complain about these days, I’ve watched programmes that never even registered anything slightly wrong with me with me and next day there’s been complaints about stuff.
tbf it does sound like it. I think 'the tv is full of blacks' and 'the country isn't ours anymore' is probably a lot racist. F**k me. Not much you can do with that one..