Nearly a week on since the untimely death of Frank White a truly great singer and guitarist. A true gent. He will be sorely missed, especially the Friday nights at the Pheasant at Sheffield Lane Top. This is him playing his signature tune Lowell Fulson's "Reconsider Baby". RIP mate.
**** I did not know that. He was big mates with my best mates dad and we used to go see him a lot. Lovely bloke.
I've got a young female friend in Germany who is doing exactly that - reconsidering her baby! In Germany people have to get married legally in a register office, but most people then get married somewhere else as well, for example in a church, at a different time. My friend married late last year in her local register office, and they planned to marry in church this coming June, followed by a honeymoon. They've booked the wedding and honeymoon, and she's bought a dress at great expense. They were planning to use the honeymoon to (ahem) "create" a baby. Now it looks like the wedding and honeymoon will be called off, but obviously it would still be possible to create a baby. However, if they're successful then her wedding dress probably won't fit for the rearranged wedding. She's in a right old flap about it. She asked me what I thought she should do. I suggested she should practice creating the baby as often as possible, so that when the time finally comes round she'll be good at it. Übung macht den Meister.
I've resisted the temptation to mention flaps while talking to her. As you say, probably best not to.
Nowt to do with football either. It's a mark of remembrance and respect to a man who brought happiness to many people .