8 for me. Didn't notice him at all which is a good sign. Can't think of any clangers. Solid performance
I gave him top marks. He managed the game in an unobtrusive way and didn’t book anyone from either side which is a rarity for any game these days
Honestly can’t remember a single decision he got wrong - I don’t remember him at all to be honest. 9/10 - I’d give 10 but there wasn’t a key decision to judge him on
Had no major decisions to make, but also can't remember thinking "this guys a div" at any point so he must've let the game flow. 7
Definitely better than average as I wasnt yelling at the screen - at least not at the ref didnt agree with every decision but probably because I am biased. Didnt get anything major wrong and didnt interfere when not necessary solid 7 from me
Didn't have a controversial or difficult decision to make so I gave him 7. Hardly noticed him which normally indicates a decent performance.
Watched on IFollow and didn’t see or hear anything to get my knickers in a twist about. Can’t remember anything and no bookings. Seemed to treat both sides equally therefore Going for my highest mark of the season, a massive 8