Hull W Reading D Cardiff L QPR D Millwall W Blackburn L Stoke L Luton W Wigan D Leeds L Nottingham Forest D Brentford L 13 points which takes us to 44. Cant see that being enough but hope i am proved wrong
Draw at QPR. But then can’t get enough points hmm I think there is more chance of us staying up than getting any points at Loftus Road. Also a Win for an evening kick off hmm more likely to win at Leeds or Brentford
Hull W Reading L Cardiff D QPR L Millwall W Blackburn W Stoke L Luton D Wigan W Leeds L Notts Forest D Brentford L 15pts taking us to 46.
Hull D Reading W Cardiff D QPR L Millwall W Blackburn D Stoke D Luton D Wigan W Leeds D Notts Forest D Best I can get is 16 points. Will 47 be enough?
It's not just down to us as other teams round us are playing each other but hopefully we can just keep on winning.
Hull W Reading W Cardiff W QPR L Millwall W Blackburn W Stoke W Luton W Wigan W Leeds W Notts Forest W Brentford W we will piss staying up
I knew id make a mess of it! As long as Struber and the players don't miss it too! Mind you I think we'll lose to Brentford so points remain the same!
Thing is looking at next nine fixtures we could be looking comfortable mid table before last three matches.
Hull W Reading D Cardiff W QPR L Millwall W Blackburn D Stoke L Luton W Wigan D Leeds L Notts Forest W Brentford W 21 points. piece of absolute ****
Lose last 3 games are tough, but hopefully we can get a little gap before then! A long way to go but positive signs
If Leeds are already promoted but no chance of being champions that would be in our favour. As would either Brentford or Notts forest ( or both) being out of pjay off contention. Cant see that unfortunately though so those 3 games will be really tough if we still need wins. Plus side is we are starting to get wins against teams around us and that tbh is our best chance of survival.
Hull W Reading W Cardiff W QPR L Millwall W Blackburn L Stoke D Luton W Wigan W Leeds L Forest D Brentford L 20 points Important here is that block of 6 pointers Stoke, Luton and Wigan. Bookies have us 2/7 to go down and I think 20 points is extremely optimistic. Depends what the others do but we need promotion form to stay up. Do the BBC still do that thingy where you can predict all the results to the end of the season?