One of my favourite singers , Nazareth the best band I saw at the Civic , came as support to Atomic Rooster but they didn’t turn up . Last saw them at Sturdy Lads , just brilliant RIP
Sad news but great excuse to look out all my Nazareth cds and play them in honour of a great singer. R.I.P. Dan.
This is incredibly sad - and so soon after Manny Charlton. Seems only a week or two since we were reminiscing about Manny and the Band. Dan was a vocal giant - a truly distinctive and very Scottish singer. And a nice guy when I met him backstage at the Civic. God rest him.
Years ago when I was drafted to HMS Cochrane, they used to rehearse in the Cochrane club and were kind enough to let me sit on the edge of the stage and listen, just a great bunch of very down to earth guys. Happy memories.