RIP Neil. Great drummer and lyricist. Saw Rush live in 1979 at Stafford, part of the mini Permanent Waves Warm-Up Tour. Superb.
Just messaged my nephew who was a Rush fan to tell him this( although it happened on the 7th but only just announced). Personally was never a huge Rush fan, but am always surprised at the amount of songs of theirs that I actually know and don't mind from having heard them in various places/ guises/ remixes etc. But as musicians they are all incredible. RIP Neil.
Sad to hear that, I'm not a massive fan myself, but know so many great music fans who are. My agency booked a Canadian DJ for a Rush weekender recently & I listened a bit more to their output, which was outstanding at times in my book. He was clearly well loved & respected. RIP.
Gutted I knew he was ill but didn’t realise he was that ill. One of my all time top 3 drummers. Also Rush were one of my favourite bands of the 70’s saw them on the Permanent Waves tour and they were excellent. Very sad news
I saw them at Stafford. Bingley Hall I think it was (with a load from Cudeth). Later than 79 though. More like 81/82. Absolutely loved them. RIP Neil.
Very sad, especially considering the horrible tragedies that befell him during his life. Rush were quite hit and miss for me, probably because they were never afraid to experiment. Some of their good stuff is awesome. One of those bands I really wish I'd seen live.
Yes, Bingley Hall was the place I saw them in Sept 79. They showcased Spirit of Radio and Freewill from the unreleased Permanent Waves album. The set list is here: Me and a mate went by a convoluted bus ride. After the concert we walked back into Stafford, got the train to Sheffield, then hitched a ride up the A61 to Birdwell and finished up walking the rest of the way to Worsbrough Dale. We didn't mind though - we were both on cloud 9 for days!
My band. RIP Professor. For those amongst us who are visited by the black dog at times, I'd recommend reading his book Ghost Rider, written after losing his wife and daughter.. Its not a cure, but one man's perspective.
What a set list! most of their best stuff there. I think I saw them on the next tour it wold have been 81/82. So maybe it was actually the Signals tour. Was supposed to see them at Deeside but it burnt down so we got bussed to the NEC. Nearly went to see them a few years ago, the last time they played to 02 in 2013 but ticket prices put me off. I think when I looked the cheapest tickets were £120 for upper tier. Still wonder if I should have gone though.
Yes, I regret not going to see them again somewhere down the line. Musically I drifted away from Rush a little after Moving Pictures, although I still bought their albums until Roll The Bones. More recently though I received Clockwork Angels and Vapor Trails as Xmas gifts and loved both of them. At some point I'll have to fill in the gaps in my collection.
Saw Rush at Shefield City Hall, probably in 1977. The most vivid thing remaining with me from that night is that the stage was carpeted.
Just found this particular version of 2112 - just in case you had forgotton how good he was - the drumming in the intro is as good as it gets - Peart wrote the lyrics as well