He must have gone bald at 5 and a half - snooker loopy was released 34 years ago ( so when Willie was 32) and he's never looked any different! Spent many hours watching him in my youth. RIP.
A gentleman and a good player. He was a decent commentator too which resulted in a backlash towards the BBC when they got shut of him. It was sad all he went through with his gambling addiction.
RIP. A fine snooker player when his confidence was up. I still can't believe he missed that blue - which went on to define his career.
People who know me wouldn't ............. I'd spend hours singing that song as a 7/8 year old. Used to struggle with the Tony Meo section though and his Italian roots.
A friend of mine went to Sheffield with his wife who was wearing a t-shirt with “I love Willie” on it