I think him and the billionaire family he married in to should lead the way. Shame it's behind a paywall.
All perspective, isn't it? If some trade unionist were to say go out and support local businesses I'm sure this forum would be agreeable.
Trade unions have always been about looking after the collective and working together for the good of all. Someone who is all about privatisation and hoarding wealth telling people to get spending for the good of the economy is just a hypocrite.
I’m sure everybody will feel suitably secure in their jobs so they can go and splash the cash. It’s not like the UK are actively trying to sever all ties with its biggest and nearest trading partner or anything. Lots of people would like to spend money to go to events. But rishi doesn’t think they are viable, and those involved should retrain in cyber instead.
He’s assuming all homeworkers have made savings due to their commute. He’s assuming that the extra heating and lighting is less than their travel to work costs. He’s assuming that even if they have managed a net income increase they haven’t already spent it. I’d say that’s a lot of assumptions.
Must have been a tiring day for the poor lamb yesterday as he thought he was in Burnley when he was in Bury. Almost a Labour like budget from him with so much spending of money the country doesn't have.
It was nice to the IFS lay the budget bare earlier. Pity much of the medias lead headlines are to take a very thin slice of what was said and assert how wonderful the budget was. I had a feeling there would be some populist grandstanding in the budget, well, as if there is ever much else from them.