How longs he got at Brum. I reckon there will be resentment among some players at the way Eustace was treated and the fact Rooney will have come in on at least 4 times the wages of the best paid players . Tom Brady's bunch don't strike me as be owners who will want to hang about losing home games to the likes of Hull .
Losing to a team like Hull! God Forbid! #TeamsLikeHull A team that has finished in the bottom 8 in each of the last 7 Championship season, now have delusions of grandeur, lol
The Eustace debacle reminded me of Ron Saunders and what happened at Villa in the eighties. Eustace was doing a fine job. The two Rooney defeats smacks of player power to me too. It wouldn't surprise me if the Gardner brothers are next to be ousted.
All other things being equal, shouldn't Wayne Rooney's Birmingham City be below Bristol City on alphabetical order?
Lost both his games to nill so far after sacking the previous manager after a 4-1 win. Got Southampton, Ipswich and Sunderland in the next three. Be lucky to get much from those three. After that they do have Washday though.....
Wayne Rooney's Birmingham v Wendy. A game that reminds you of the true limitations of football. Sadly, it is not possible for both teams to lose.