So here it is then Rotherham United V Barnsley 14th November 1981. This is a absolute classic match featuring one of the best Barnsley sides assembled presented here the whole 90 mins for the first time. A couple of things I'd like to point out before viewing, the first 11 mins or so are almost silent but of you listen carefully you can hear the director tell someone to puss off then the commentary springs to life. Also about 7 mins of the second half are in black & white but you don't miss any action. I hope you all enjoy this upload as a chance to see this side at full throttle for 90 mins is a rare delight! Merry Christmas to you all and thanks for your support.
Fantastic. I was there behind the goal somewhere. The game itself was a classic and the crowd was fantastic, almost got crushed on the way out... At the time I lived in Cambridge and this game was even shown on Anglian TV the day after.
One of my favourite ever games. Every time I see footage of this game it never ceases to amaze me how many Reds fans are crammed into that Railway End. A 17 years old me is among them and I have to say the journey down and back up Millmoor Lane crammed like a sardine was often a scary one whenever we visited. An absolute death trap! What a team that was. Still the best side we’ve had in my lifetime and if it had stayed together I’m convinced we’d have got promoted to the old first division. Now where have I heard that before......?
You’re right - it was a great side and these were wonderful times to be following Barnsley. It’s hard to believe that we went from these heights to the lows of the mid-80s in no time at all. We went from being one of the top four best supported teams in the Second Division to crowds of 5,000 in such a short time.
This is most welcome - it was one of my abiding memories of the era... what was the attendance 18k or so - how many reds fans? That railway end was so full it was scary. Mr Moore's special hat, the abundance of Mr Fern's hair, the colour of Mr Breckin's hair. The lack of hair of Mr Fern. I really thought that this team was just a couple of players short of being able to get into the first division. It was a joy to be a reds fan at this time especially as I'd left school and was able to follow the reds home and away. This is going to be be a delight in watching this. A very big thank you to those concerned in bringing it to us!
Just had a little cry 40 years next October,my mum was in her 30s now she knocking up 80,oh well you can’t stop time
What a great game. Thanks for posting. MOTM Stuart Barraclough? Can you do that give it to someone other than the man who scores a hat trick?
Wow! Many thanks @kendraytyke I was there that day as well, stood on the left hand side of the goal (looking from behind). It's right up there in my top 10 away games, even though we got pelted with rocks walking up the ginnel after the game
Wow, thanks. I’ve heard about this game from me Dad and Grandad (I was born ‘88 so before my time) but never seen footage. Fantastic. Found myself celebrating after every goal!
We had a strong rivalry with Rotherham back then. Mostly we had the drop on them. I remember a 1-0 cup win at Millmoor with Parker getting the winner around that time. That 4-2 game was brilliant though and sandwiched in that league cup run....what a fabulous time.
Was the entire bbs at this game? I too was behind the goal! It was a really good team that's for sure. Some quality laikers in that squad. Thanks for posting - I'll be watching it again later!
Brilliant day, what a side we had then. We feared nobody. Still can't believe the walls didn't give way on that scary way out.
I also was there that day & put it down to my best away day ever , rammed in like sardines & having to face the walk of death after the match was still worth it , I have said it before on here, that in my opinion that team was better than the team that got promoted .
The 1-0 cup win at Millmoor the year before was our first win there since 1938 - an incredible 42 years. Puts our losing streak at the pigsty into perspective. Derrick Parker goal.