They ought to pack in. I feel a bit for Featherstone that have spent "millions" doing up Post Office Road and have tried like f cuk for last few years to get into the Super League.
I bet Bolton Wanderers wish their Chairman could have forced that through all those years ago. It would have saved them all the embarrassment of catastrophic mismanagement, points deductions, relegations and being forced to play two or three tiers below what they incorrectly believed to be their level. More fool Rugby League fans if they put up with it but hasn't it already been done in RL some years ago and then rowed back?
If Rovers win GF this year they will go up. All this IMG crap starts season after. it’s a bit of a joke. They are grading teams, A,B,C. A grade can’t be relegated choose how the perform, C can’t be promoted. they just not been clear on B grades. Fev rejected the proposals as originally it was stated that if a B grade club finished last they could be replaced by another B grade club. But IMG have gone back on this. Personally don’t see point if the B grade clubs arnt interchangeably, it’s just a return to licensing
The irony for me is as a sport Rugby League struggles for revenue. Promotion and relegation adds interest which boosts revenue.
I saw this a couple of weeks ago. I really thought it was an April fools. I used to love playing the sport as a youth, but it seems to have moved so far away from it's roots that it's just not worth bothering with anymore.
They've done something very similar before with SL licences and stopping promotion/relegation so I'm really surprised it was unanimous to be honest. It isn't going to work like the NFL or the NRL/AFL, British sports fans don't like that format. It pisses me off that they try and grow the sport by allowing Toronto/ Toulouse in and then shaft the well-supported clubs such as Featherstone, Halifax, Leigh etc.
Then you have massive clubs like Bradford Bulls stuck in the lower league. Unthinkable that such a big club possibly wouldn't be in Super League again.
The irony being that Bradford's decline happened during the last period of licensing that Super League had.
My brother and all his kin. Are massive Barnsley and Fev fans and have said all along that the Rugby league elite don't want little old Fev so to speak. Spoiling the show. Think this statement proves it without doubt. Based on the above scenario. Fev are one of, if not, the favourites to achieve their goal, this season. If they go up I hope they stay up 2024. And **** up the new considered rule. The league Hoping Fev get relegated with little or no chance of ever getting back. Reeks of elitism.
Everything about Bradford is crap. They knocked down the City Centre in the mid nineties to replace it with a shopping centre then ran out of money. There's just a large open square there now. They demolished two decent railway stations and replaced them with glorified bus stops. It's sad really.
I thought I'd seen recently Stephen where they had started new planning/development of the city centre. City centre Appartments and other projects, business centre etc. Being voted the city of culture 2025. Let's hope it gets done.
Someone told me today that they went off the cliff because of the security the licensing offered them (paying silly wages for poor players) only for the rug to be pulled from under them just as they hit a really bad patch,
We haven't spent millions Steve but bought two stands from Scarborough Athletic when they moved. Volunteers took them down numbered the parts transported them to Fev and rebuilt them. Saved 1000's doing that. We just keep falling at the last hurdle but Super League don't want us in anyway. They are ruining Rugby League because they are self serving --------s !It's going to be like having friendlies when there's nowt at stake been there before. I've been going 52 years but call it a day if no chance of going up.
Toronto was never going to work,they and the two French clubs have to pay for the English teams to go play them ,crazy.