The pinned live tweet.... Not looking good but putting sanctions on people just for being Russian even if they have never done a thing wrong was never going to bother a nutter like Putin.
scary times, they got it surrounded and for me if they don't surrender then they going to raze it to ground
It’s crazy, Putin sticking to the western lies theme, what’s he going to say when it’s all over and Ukraines flat , they did it themselves? Ukraine are being sent to camps in Russia. Awful and shows what the world is up against.
The next few days are probably going to be more brutal than anything seen so far. The Russians put Chechens into the inital attacks near Kiev but they were destroyed, the second group of Chechens are now going to assault Mariupol, my guess is Putin prefers them to take the casualties rather than Russians. It seems that (if you believe the analysts) the Russians have suffered severe losses around Kyiv, so much so that they've been pushed out if Irpin and several other outlying towns that have seen heavy fighting... and are now out of artillery range, the Russians are now having to resort to large air launched missiles that are somewhat indiscriminate. Ukraine is claiming to be attacking Russian positions well behind the lines, they also claim that Belarus railway workers are sabotaging the lines taking Russian military equipment to the front. The MOD communique says that Russia's attack has completely stalled and has not moved anywhere except backwards for several days.