I'm just watching some chap do some incredible mental gymnastics to suggest our governments latest abhorrent scheme to send asylum seekers to Rwanda is a good thing, before descending into the rabbit hole that asylum seekers blow themselves up in taxi's. Our government is abhorrent. But it's sad to see there are always willing volunteers to back up their abhorrence, by lies, misrepresentation and obfuscation and repeatedly stating things that just aren't true.
Where's Michael Fabricant when you need him? I read it this morning. It's so outrageous I could barely believe it. But then I gave my head a shake and of course I could.
Imagine being the sort of person that wakes up and your first thought is "how many vulnerable people can I destroy today?".
I picked it up last night just before I went to bed and it took me longer than usual to drift off. Just thinking of the world we live in. The people who succeed. The nastiness and hate that exists, not just that manifests, but that which is silent, or pretends to be decent, yet tolerates acts that are borderline evil.
Sadly, I don't think it's even a conscious thought for them. Whether it once was is a whole other question.
do you think it might be to deter people from getting killed by drowning in English channel?, they may think I am not risking my life to be flown 4000 miles away,what other reason would they do it, the poor people who are desperate to get here, makes me ill thinking of drowning in the sea like that, not sure what the answer is,met a lad in Paris few years ago, selling trinkets of Eiffel tower ,got chatting with him after I said "no thanks. we not bothered mate, but good luck hope you sell a few ", he went "its ok, the reason I want to go to England is that English people say , no with love in their hearts, but the french just say no with hatred", he seemed a decent bloke, told him to head for Yorkshire he get a warm welcome here
Given our home secretary previously wanted to use wave machines that increased the chances of people drowning in the channel... I'm going to say no, a deterrent from drowning isn't the reasoning behind this, nor it's timing.
Will asylum seekers from Rwanda be processed in Rwanda? https://www.hrw.org/news/2021/06/15/mozambique-grave-concerns-rwandan-asylum-seeker
If the risk of drowning in the English Channel doesn't deter them why would the threat of being deported to Rwanda deter them?
as I said just a thought, the desperation to get to U K makes them risk there lives, if you knew that even if you make it , you then get sent 4000 miles away ,it might change your mind over risk and reward, as I say its only a thought on why they may be doing this, just seems bizarre
I came here to ask the same question... I also notice that this was announced in the newspapers rather than actually in Parliament (which is in recess), which should see Ms Patel in trouble with the speaker again.
dont try and start an argument over my speculating why they doing this, no one in the world needing to seek a better life would be the perfect answer
60+% of those that claim asylum after crossing the Channel are awarded it at the initial hearing. Upwards of half of the remainder are granted asylum at appeal. Around 80% of them are genuine asylum seekers who need help and are forced to risk their lives because the government won't do anything sensible like set up a safe route from Calais.
I'm sure there must be a whole series of things we could consider that wouldn't cause humanitarian groups to be repulsed by our plans. At the end of the day, these are just people, being profited from through their sheer desperation and the reward for fleeing tyranny, is to be shipped 4,000 miles to a country which though somewhat improved, has a bleak history in relation towards sections of people.
that was why I was speculating it is being done to deter people from coming,its bizarre thing to even come up with , there must be a reason to pick such a place, you don't just come up with "lets send them to Rwanda" for no reason, or do you???
To score points in the culture war that props up this shambles of a government and distract from the fact that the PM has been proven to have lied to Parliament.