Buckinghamshire seat gone to the Lib Dems, yep it's not to Labour but is this the start of the slide and the awakening?
Local issues forced this change. They've already got HS2 ploughing through some beautiful parts of Bucks and there's a lot of controversy about the number of houses being built, with the support of the Tories, which the locals feel is way too many hence the switch to the Lib Dems
Can we focus on the fact that a Tory Majority of 16000 became a deficit of -8000 in a seat that is as Tory as they come. Labour were never in with any hope there so don’t give anyone a but Labour but Corbyn ammunition. I suspect that most Labour voters there voted Lib Dem rather than waste their vote. It’s a shockingly bad result for the Tories. That’s all you need to know
Seems like many Tory voters too have finally recognised that their party has been hijacked by UKIP and have had enough.
Bet we won't see the London journo's legging it to Buckinghamshire to report what went wrong like they did with Northern towns like Hartlepool. Will show the media up for what it is, especially when it's on the doorstep and most of em will either live there or come from villages and towns close by.
Only if you’re a Tory with your fingers in your ears going lalala and have no understanding of tactical voting.
It's reported this morning that Labour soft-pedalled in the campaigning due to the Lib Dem candidate being the only one with any chance of beating the Tory.
Yep, that's true I know people up there who are fed up of the beautiful countryside being decimated and there was a major campaign to vote Lib Dem to send a message to the Tories which they certainly have. Wonder if Boris will call the candidate that lost totally 'effing hopeless'