<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-lang="en-gb"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">To everyone at <a href="https://twitter.com/bfc_official">@bfc_official</a> <a href="https://t.co/6zXrtzAIg1">pic.twitter.com/6zXrtzAIg1</a></p>— Sam Winnall (@Winnall19) <a href="https://twitter.com/Winnall19/status/819947561205321729">13 January 2017</a></blockquote> <script async src="//platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>
I liked Sam as a player and as a person, he was always passionate and showed that he cared on the pitch. Unfortunately, joining Wednesday has made me lose the respect and appreciation I had for him. I'm just praying that Conor doesn't go the same way.
Aye. Read it. Then moved my finger an inch or two and pressed the unfollow button. Did well for us and will be remembered but I won't be watching his tweets or wishing him luck at the sty.
Don't know why he bothered. We aren't and he'll get a very frosty reception when they come to Oakwell. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
A man who's more interested in getting his snout in the trough rather than showing his respects to a genuine legend. Sam who?
He retweeted their official tweet, then tweeted saying he was happy to have signed for them, then the agent one then the thanks to us.
SAMs first tweet Big thanks must go to @OmniSports_ and @jogabow for looking after me and making this all happen
That's what I thought it was. That's what I mean, he's rushed to thank his agent for making his big money move happen and only then as an afterthought does he thank the club who made him. Suggests very much to me that his agent MADE the move happen ie forced it
So did I when I read it back. In fact it took me about 5 reads of it to work out which way I had written it
Sad to see he failed to mention Mr Cryne, given the "special love-in" between them. A word wishing him well in his illness battle would not have gone amiss. Something (money obviously) has turned his head recently - his body language and lack of "proper" goal celebrations was plain to see. Good player for us but glad to see him gone now.