How's it going for Boris? I saw earlier Helen Ball stood reading a statement by looking down at her clipboard to see what she's to say. That's the female assistant commissioner of the Met Police without the ability to speak from the heart without written down assistance about how her colleagues treated her own sex at Clapham Common last night.
There is a national lockdown I am not allowed to visit my mum today on mother's day, millions of us are not allowed to visit our mothers on mother's Day and yet for some reason these people think the law does not apply to them and it's ok because it's a demonstration just like it was ok when thousands attended !ass demonstrations last summer. Sorry but you want equality good, we all want equality. That equality comes at the cost of being f**king arrested when you deliberately break the law and selfishly attend a mass demonstration during a national lockdown. What goes through someone's head that one day they are shouting and screaming that lockdown isn't tough enough and that selfish ***** want to see their families and yet the next day they're in a !ass demonstration waving their phone about. Stop being so f**king hypocritical. They were warned in advance that it was illegal and they deserved to be arrested when they refused to disperse. Every sympathy with the family of this poor lady,, I can't imagine what they're going through and every sympathy for any woman or indeed any man who is scared walking at night. I experience it, it's awful. That does not justify choosing to break the law and it's hypocritical that because it's politically correct to support it that the MPs are actually backing the law breakers and spamming the police for upholding the laws that those very MPs forced them to uphold in the first place. Peaceful Demonstrations and vigils are absolutely the right thing to do when it's appropriate but during a pandemic when we are all only allowed to leave home for very specific limited reasons it is utterly selfish and hypocritical of those who call for lockdowns to then support these actions. That includes MPs, the media and some on here.
I get that. However the other week the police left alone the Rangers fans celebrating winning the SPL because they would have got overwhelmed but this time because it was mainly women they felt they could go in heavier. All mass gatherings should be treated the same. Instead a large group of men and cops sit back for their own good, but a large group of females are happy to get heavy handed which in itself breaks the social distancing they are complaining about.
Scotland police and the met police have about as much in common as a cat and a catalytic converter. You are comparing the actions of the met police with the actions of a police force in another country which has its own covid laws and has absolutely sod all to do with English police. You may as well post a picture of the capitol riots and say we should have shot the demonstrators
Exactly what? A police force in another country with different laws allowed something to happen so we should too?
Their lockdown laws are more stringent . A peaceful socially distanced vigil should have been allowed.
Good post except, it’s nonsense. The vigil wasn’t ‘illegal’. You are Piers Morgan and I claim my prize.
Slippery slope in this country when primary legislation is superseded by secondary. Yes the secondary legislation is to help keep folk safe, but stopping folk the right protest in groups and individually is a worrying development. The whole issue could and should have been dealt with better. Remember Kate Windsor was there yesterday, is she getting a fine? I think Meghan wanted to, she's currently under investigation for a thought crime!
Why should it? You have been a strong lockdown campaigner for the last year yet whenever there's a mass gathering for a demonstration you support breaking lockdown. It makes absolutely no sense.
check again then regarding the law on demonstrations/vigils during COVID. But take your time. Accuracy is quite important in these discussions.
This is in the open air, socially distanced, wearing masks. I haven't been a strong lockdown supporter as you call it but we obviously had to do something to stop the rapid spread. I've adhered to it.
Honestly I think it should have been allowed but it should have been allowed because we should all be allowed out of our homes. The problem is that mass covid hysteria, lockdown and restrictions HAVE superceded all other laws for the last year and it's simply hypocritical of some to say yeah but they shouldn't supercede this law. It's hypocritical of people to say covid kills we must all stay inside oh except now because we want to do this. Simply put. If people wanted the option of being able to attend mass demonstrations they should not have supported lockdown and restrictions which prevented it. You can't have your cake and eat it
The right to protest is sacrosanct to any decent democracy. This is the logical conclusion of the appallingly authoritarian legislation that has been implemented and folk are rightly outraged and disgusted. About time.
I I can see that police have the powers to ban them as the met police did well in advance of the planned mass demonstration.
I saw an interview with one of the Organisers of the proposed vigil , she seemed a reasonable person who had plans for social distancing etc but said the Met had refused to discuss anything with them so you get an unofficial vigil that gets out of hand because the Met turn up
I think it's a difficult situation, folk want to stay safe and follow the rules to protect everyone else. The problem is our society is so riddled with inequalities that you can't just turn the other cheek. The Human Rights though this government want it ripped up is our way of making our voices heard. The current government don't listen, they u-turn at will once the public apply pressure. They're totally inept and seeing an issue coming down the tracks. They've proven time and again that they only listen if you are a Tory donor or a close friend. This issue however isn't one of Boris' making, though his history with women is a separate debate. Parties of all colours have failed women and minority groups for too long. I don't think this issue is a simple case of cakeism. Maybe if government listened there would be no need to demonstrations, however the Human Right Act is for all of us. Though yes it goes against the spirit of lockdown and protecting each other, it does make me proud to see that folk aren't totally without fight in their bellies (provided it's peaceful and organised).