I couldn't get layar to work. On both my phone and my tablet it just closed when I try to scan anything but while the technology didn't work for me personally but I still love the idea and the club embracing technology is a great thing. Really excited to see what else they do with this in the future.
As I don't have a smartphone I can't use this function but I do think it looked great from the advertisement video and I'm pleased our club is embracing it. I do hope it continues to just be supplementary content though and not instead of printing anything. People like to keep programmes but the layer app will cease to exist at some point and not everyone has access to it anyway.
Always bug a program but very rarly do any more than have a quick flick through it Never heard of this layer thing
If you scan certain pages they 'come alive'. https://twitter.com/bfc_official/status/901380916555198464 https://twitter.com/bfc_official/status/901490919488315392
It's been around for a while in fairness but only now is it becoming more useful. It's a neat little extra at no cost to fans, and you can take it or leave it. It won't affect the amount of content inside the programme. And while I can't say too much, the next issue will be a special one. Ta.
Ive downloaded an old version of the app that works and tried it out with the programme. They seem to have used it in the right way and like you say not used it instead of proper content. The back page had the squad lists like they always have but if you scan it with layar the page changes to the actual teamsheet instead which is something they couldn't have just printed because obviously they wouldn't know the actual team when the programme was printed. The pages showing photos of previous games loads the highlights video on top of the page when you hold your phone over it which again is something that couldn't happen normally. There are a couple of things in there that are nothing special like scanning a page to enter a competition or to hear Bradshaw saying welcome to the game but the other things that I mention are a good idea because they're additional content that can't be done otherwise rather than a lazy way to replace real content.