I'd say they are - 100% of schools I work in have had positive cases among the children. One of them had ten classes off at one time
Is it the chicken or the egg? I'm not sure this article really addresses where infections are coming from, as the track & trace system is not vaguely functional. Of course infections in schools will match infection levels in an area. It doesn't answer whether infections from schools are driving it, unless I've missed something?
All places of work are the same. All the factories and warehouses I work with have lots of people off. So are Schools driving infections or just the same as everywhere else?
From the article Covid cases in schools reflect virus levels in the local community, a study of 100 schools across England suggests. The researchers suggest school closures have only a temporary effect on cases. And they add driving down infections in wider society is the best way to keep schools open and safe.
Workplaces and supermarkets / retail are clearly the other areas. They are open. No proof hospitality has driven this at any point.
Me too @LiverpoolRed (and I caught it as well) Look at when the spike started. It was the second week in September after schools and universities had gone back after summer.
Suggest looking at Kirklees and Bradford figures been in the equivalent to tier 3 but pubs and restaurants still open since Eid cases still rise lock down shut pubs and restaurants cases fall then into tier 3 still fall just starting to level out that tells me it made a difference
Not really getting your point here? In tier 3 pubs & restaurants are closed. Is there evidence you have that suggests they are the cause of the transmission?
L I'd say they are a factor - socially distancing is difficult especially the younger ones. Seems to be rising significantly in secondary schools as well
What a ridiculous article. Of course cases in schools match the community, that doesn't mean they aren't causing the rate to rise in the school and in the community.
You mean apart from the fact that it even says in the article that school closures do temporarily (in account if being temporary closures) slow the spread. yUo HaVe MaDe YoUrSeLf LoOk A rIgHt C*u*N*t HaVeNt YoU