From Day One, Schopp has sought no relationship with the fans. There have been no fan meetings with him. No pre season "Getting to know you" meetings Normally there would be some kind of a 'Meet the Fans' scheduled Meeting where Fans could ask questions and get a feel for the coach's philosophy. I know because I've attended ones in the past. With Schopp there have been none. He slinks off down the tunnel faster than a marathon runner. He has never sought any kind of meeting or if he has, we don't know about it. What could possibly be the reason for this?
Probably more likely here to do quite well on a shoestring budget, and then get a move for money- like Val and Struber Not quite working out though is it
His attitude doesn't seem that way. He's constantly made decisions that all of us can see are not for the good of the team, he's been deliberately standoffish with the fans, has hung players out to dry etc. None of it seems to me like he's trying to be successful
I just can't understand what Conway is thinking ? Derby will turn us over on Wednesday and we might get a lucky win in the next 5 games.What is your end game Mr Conway because at this rate I really do think that a fans revolt is only around the corner. I can remember in the 80's Joe Joyce giving some fans the f word whilst walking up the tunnel but my lord this is a different level !.
You wonder what Ismael would have done when he came in last season. Would he have had the meetings as suggested? What does any interaction with the fans achieve at this point? He'd get lynched and would only make the relationship worse (if possible).
He obviously never intended it to go as bad as it has but I'd definitely agree with you that he looks like a man thats ready for home with a very nicely boosted bank balance.
But by rolling up his sleeves like the last gaffer he could quite easily go back home one day with treble said riches. I don't get his outlook at all
I think that !ay have been his original intention until he realised h couldn't bring his Austrian coaches with him. Since that point he's wanted out with a payoff
I personally don't buy this idea that he's trying to fail, or get a pay-off or whatever. I think that's nonsense - just frustration coming out from the fans. I think he just isn't good enough. he isn't gonna just walk now though, without getting his compo. no one would. that's just how contracts work. last couple have paid off for us. this one has backfired badly. onus is on the board now.
The point is that he made no effort pre season to speak to the fans and to speak of his philosophy. As the season progresses, he chooses not to interact and slinks quickly down the tunnel. He's forced to give a press conference as he's contracted to do so and in every press conference he always seems to blame one player or more. It's shocking management.
He doesn't deserve any abuse mate. He needs calling out for crap decisions and possibly crap training but abuse? Nope. He should be sacked.
No i think he’s trying to be successful, he’s just really bad at it how much money do you think he’s on? It won’t be a fortune and Schopp played professionally at a decent level so won’t be short of a bob or two. I can’t see this lot paying his compo up if he gets sacked anyway. If I’m not mistaken weren’t we arguing with Stendal about that
Not great obviously but other than winning football matches, what else can he do to win the fans back onside?