No offence buddy, but I'm sure you post this same message numerous times a season. If you have issues and can't attend, please contact the club and I'm sure they'll sort you out.
Twice. Twice I have sold my ticket. Nothing to do with anyone else. Thank you. I paid my own money for it, so therefore Unfuckingluckyyyy
I would genuinely love to know why you bought a ticket* in 2018, 2019 and now 2021 and then immediately tried to sell it. It can't be for money reasons otherwise you would obviously have just returned it and got a full refund rather than trying to sell it at cut price. *presuming this isn't just a really weird wind up
Haha, imagine if it is because they keep getting banned and so they try to sell on the non-working ticket each year.
What does it matter how do you know he didn't buy it on early bird? So he could have had it for months. Circumstances changes all he's trying to do is sell a ticket.
Because I'm interested why they've done the same thing 3 years in a row (not counting the season we weren't allowed into Oakwell). If you're not interested, scroll on.
The baffling thing is though if soemone really needed the money and go see the club they look after you. A friend of mine went back with his one season as due to a break up and child care he couldn't go. The club refunded him for the remaining games.
But where possible the club will help out with this. May be better next season to just get the tickets as and when the OP can afford them.
Maybe they did that in 2017 and the club said they would do it as a one-off but have got a bit fed up of them doing it every year since.
Given you can download the ticket aswell I wouldn't fancy buying one off someone unless it was going through the club officially anyway.