Can’t see how clubs can be selling season tickets at the moment. It could be 6 or even nearer 12 months before crowds are allowed at matches.
Still want to know what's going to happen with this season's season tickets never mind next season.....
We’re still having the direct debit for this season’s taken out every month so fluck knows about next year.
Who on earth would even think about buying a season ticket in the current situation? Football doesn't even register on my scale at the moment.
That's the bigger issue. The refunds for this year's money. My mate who's a Rotherham fan paid for two half season tickets for him and his 18 year old son. £510 they cost him and the games were postponed after 8 matches meaning he's essentially just shy of £200 out of pocket. Or to put it another way it's cost him and his lad £64 per game this year.
I agree, if it were 6 or 12 months without been able to sell season tickets to fans would leave alot of clubs living beyond there means in the championship in even more trouble financially.
I know we have billionaire owners but I will not be asking for a refund on this year's ST. Call me stupid but I wrote that money off 12 months ago.
Plenty won't take the risk of catching it even if they know a drug will make them better if they do. Crowds will be way down if they allow people back before it can be guaranteed you cannot catch it.
For me it isn't just about the wealth of our owners but their actions. Since I paid for my ticket they have proven that they could not give a toss about me. Selling players after they had indicated they would not do so, an absolutely appalling recruitment of replacements that just screamed 'all we care about is money' and then the disgraceful 21 word statement topped off with Conway's refusal to face the local media and explain himself to the Barnsley fans but his willingness to open up to fans in Scotland. I owe them absolutely nothing, I have no affinity to these charlatans and as such they should and will be treated just as I would a travel agent who canceled my holiday. I wouldn't just tell them to keep the money so why would I do that with a bloke called Paul?
We don't have billionaire owners and as soon as this season is rightly cancelled I look forward to seventy odd quid back.
Bloody hell if we can’t have any confidence to move around even after a vaccine is available we might as well just call it Armageddon and give up!