Freudian slip. The only debatable point is that unlike him and Chris Failing, a lovely person is useful. Yet another totally inept Tory politician. I personally don't care for any of them and will be chuffed when they get their comeuppance at the next GE. However, I have to say, after watching some of the candidates presentations, if he means what he was claiming, Dominic Raab looked as though he could be a credible option.
I am not a Tory but if Rory Stewart wins the party leadership ( which is unlikely) the Tories will win the next general Election, as he is the only decent and sensible person. Take him out and you're talking about the 'Monty Python Twit of the Year' sketch.
Thing is for me, the press appear to be slaughtering Gove for admitting he snorted cocaine, but don't seem to have come down that hard on Rory Stewart, who has admitted smoking Opium at a Wedding party in Iran in 2004.
You mean the ex-Brexit Secretary who admitted he hadn’t realised how important the Calais-Dover route is to our economy? God help us.