Think we see it casually dropped in here periodically.
"Yet some of the overt group – 68% of those polled – suggested women should not participate in sport at all" What the Actual F??
My daughter is doing this topic for her GCSE speaking task. Unfortunately she has lots of examples of sexism in football, which is quite sad. She is using the Yorks Post article about Vicky, our physio, and the behaviour she has experienced too. Makes me smile that there are racism campaigns and rightly so but it’s okay to treat female fans in a misogynistic manner.
my wife as been to Oakwell on many occasions and no one as misogynistically abused her, where are all these examples ??
Examples home and away and examples in general based over the years. At Blackpool away this season I could write a book of examples. Glad your wife hasn’t experienced any though.
Exactly On a very well moderated board that’s managed to remove anyone that’s hinted at racism, there’s still a fair amount of misogyny. So go somewhere the racists are welcome and it’s not too difficult to imagine homophobia and misogyny are more common too.
Exactly this, people casually use it or say it’s a joke but as with racism, sometimes it’s just not funny or acceptable and it undermines.
my son is at college and they have been told anyone who buys flowers for a girl,for example ,that this will be classed as sexual harassment, WTF is the world coming to
There's plenty of misogyny on here - take this example (which you supported) -
what kind of reply is that?, yes he was listening and Mansfield get a life pal, you ever had a laugh in your life
Ofsted now investigate sexual harassment as a theme and most girls report they encounter inappropriate comments/ touching as standard. Nowhere does it say don’t buy flowers! Another example of sexism would be that my daughter’s form tutor/ Man Utd fan talks to the boys about football, most are Liverpool/ Chelsea fans and have never been to a match. He has never spoken to her even though she has a season ticket and goes to away matches and plays football and she has told him this on many occasions.
I wouldn’t sack him, I’d just point out that he isn’t inclusive and maybe should think abou i wouldn’t sack him, I would just point out that he needs to be more inclusive and think about how
These days, if you buy flowers for a girl, you'll get locked up on a rape charge and thrown in jail...
I think the reason you've never seen any misogyny is probably because you did see it, but dismissed it as "a laugh" or "banter"