Does anyone else get peeved with the way ssn always goes to a break just before the championship news comes on, and returns when its on league 2?,,
Stopped watching it years ago when it took them 2 hours to do the draw for one of the rounds of the league cup. Can't remember what round or year, but I vowed not to watch it again after that and I haven't
Yeah, they advertised the draw as being at one time, then they waffled on about it for ages before they did the draw
Yes, I have it in my Virgin Media bundle, can be a tad annoying but I don't watch it much these day's
On the verge of cancelling owing to constant, patronising and cynical virtue signalling/positioning. They spend more time reporting who ‘took a knee’ and who didn’t these days. I don’t watch it to be lectured and ‘educated’. I just want to watch sport and have some half decent commentary and punditry. The retention of dead behind the eyes Jamie Redknapp on the live games and introduction of the platitude princess Alex Scott on SS will be my twin tipping points.