After all uproar so far this close season I'm looking to the day when Sky decides to call it a day and pulls the plug on football and the money it donates although I doubt it ever will. Can you imagine the cry from all the financial directors when they get summoned to appear before the bank managers to explain how each football club will pay off the debts they've incurred through over stretching to achieve success. Just be grateful Barnsley aren't operating in such a manner. The only way we will ever spend stupidly on both saves and transfers is if everyone decides they want to spend Saturday afternoon at Oakwell and we start getting enormous attendences or someone decides to donate their entire 100m plus lottery win. I can't see any other way so get on with it or find a new hobby. I love my club but I don't let it rule my life. Barnsley purchase new players, develope and make a decent profit. We also Nick from other clubs lower down so In a way other clubs are only doing to us what we've already done.
Forecasters are predicting that money from TV revenue had peaked and will start to gradually reduce(having said that similar people said the same 10 years ago)
I would have thought that advances in internet speed may be the demise of sky due to wide spread streaming etc
If Alan Sugars book is true, he’s to blame. He claims both ITV and SKY submitted bids and at last minute he was tipped off that they were going with ITV bid and only way to stop it would be to totally blow their offer away which they did and consequently won the bid. The rest as they say is history.
Starting on cricket now too absolutely nothing learnt over the last twenty years by broadcasters or clubs now the ecb are caught in the sky headlights.