Managers and players that have left the club for a better option or career prospects is utterly ridiculous and very juvenile. If someone on here can put their hand up and say that they would turn down an offer of more cash and better terms because of loyalty to a company that they have no real affinity with, then I’ll show you a liar.
I don’t think many people are slagging anyone off for leaving though, are they? Pretty much everyone is criticising someone for saying a set of things then doing the complete opposite. People are 100% entitled to call people out for being disingenuous and lying. In any walk of life. Football managers included.
People are emotional mate, it’s been a **** week for us as a club. Football fans are reactionaries, I’m one of the worst! A few days later, things appear more clear. At least you can see the fans care, even if a manager doesn’t.
Never been in a position to turn a job down. But enjoying what I did was far more important than the money (I managed on my earnings so that does help) . I've known a couple of lads leave for more money but return shortly after as the job wasn't as good/enjoyable as the one they left. A few football managers have fallen into that category over the years. Luckily re-employed after getting the sack from the one they went to.
If football fans want to see their managers stay at club s longer don't go baying for their heads as soon as things get a little tricky. When a manager gets the sack it means someone else gets hired and that could be your favourite manager.
Remember doing business studies at college and one of the units was a study on what motivates people in work...Money was third but top of the list was job satisfaction, seem to recall work colleagues and work relationships was second...On the subject of the opening post it's the I'm your man comments then jumping ship at the first opportunity that seems to have pssd most people off.
Alternatively, if fans have to accept that managers will jump ship the moment something better comes along, then they should also be able to get shut of a manager as soon as they fail. It’s not the fact he’s gone that most people are angry about. It’s all the things he said, which turned out to be absolute b0llocks. Things he simply didn’t need to say. At best disingenuous, at worst just out and out lies.
Here's what some of the Burnsley fans have said about it...
If you want to show us a liar, show us Micky Long Haul and Isted. No issue with people leaving, just when they aren't a man of their word.
Also, I don't blame Wilson for joining the Fowls, but what made that worse is he also made similar promises etc.
I accepted that given he's been with them before that and was a chance to stay in the Prem. Thought it was a bad decision though, as it indeed proved to be .
# I did it! Money was great but the job was making me miserable and if I'm honest hard to live with. Could easily blow up in Duff's face leaving a club where he was well liked if the Swansea fans take against him
Personally I don't slag them off or blame them for leaving, it does however depending on the circumstance, amuse me when they fail.
Yeah he/Wilson had more of a connection with them, and then it comes down to more money and better ambition as well etc. And if we're honest, we all have to ask ourselves... wouldn't we do the same, like Val did and now like Duff has done ?.
I cannot condone 'slagging off' but I'm bewildered why anyone is defending someone who made a modest three year pledge to a project and left after one year, despite being well paid, well supported and having a squad that so narrowly missed out on promotion, running Wednesday ragged with only ten men. I would be very disappointed with someone in my team at work if they left after one year. I'd be wondering why I wasted time on them.