Over 20 years I’ve sat in the same seat. Over 30 years of supporting this great club. MY CLUB!! I’ve met some great people over the years. Some have become friends. Some….I just know…will be there the following season. Last couple of seasons, they are slowly falling away. I questioned WHY? Now I’m feeling the same. Tonight and at the weekend was the first time I had no emotion. I didn’t care about the result. It didn’t surprise me. Tonight I’m not mad or angry. I’ve lost that feeling. Detachment from this fantastic club of ours. I don’t believe the people in charge anymore. I can see what’s needed and I don’t trust them to put it right. I see people I know who have worked for the club over the years slowly leave. Some who have dedicated most of their lives to it…..just cast aside. What’s Happened to us? I’m sorry to most in here but I’m questioning a lot of things regarding the way the club is at the minute. I feel that the life is slowly being sucked out of it by those in charge and I want to see a flicker of light at the end of the tunnel to suggest things will improve. I just don’t think it will happen.