Sonething of an enigma to me is that the SNP don't want to be part of the UK but want to he part of the EU They dont want to be governed by the English but are happy to be ruled by the Germans and French. They dont want Brexit but would be happy with Scexit. Yet they dont want the euro but want to keep the pound. Do they want a hard border with England, a no deal Scexit or free trade with the English? Just seems strange to me that they dont want total independence.
I think in simple terms they are just sick of the rest of the UK Imposing Tory government's on them. Can't say I blame them.
So if someone asked you which country you lived.... you'd say Europe? Truly bizarre to conflate Scottish independence with membership of the EU.
I'd love independence at this moment in time... the republic of London. An EU member with a big f**k off wall, get ownership of the chunnel, extending it to London underground and the rest of the Uk can fend for itself
“ruled by the Germans and French” ....... you really have no clue how the EU works at all, seems strange to me that you would post about it from such a position.....
I'd be pleased if they did vote for independence. Sick of listening to Jimmy Krankie and Blackfart bleating all the time.
I take exception to your we don't want to be ruled by England. Is it not meant to be a union of equals? You English empire vanished years ago. Deal with it pal. I'd rather be in an equal union with Europe than with what we've got at the moment.
The irony is lost on such people... "Europe... you cant tell us what to do, how very dare you".... next breath "Scotland, you're part of the Union, you have no right to leave... despite you being subsidised by us" Brexit will facilitate the break up of the Union.... just let me in when you join the EU please! ;-)
Thats not my opinion, that's just the inference I get from Scots who want to leave the Union not the other way round.
It would of course have been much better if the IMF and the ECB simply let Greece go bust... yes, that wouldn't have been painful at all, would it?
To be honest I dont give a **** whether Scotland breaks away from the union. My point was why they dont go for total independence.
I am currently in Greece. Did you get that question from the daily mail?? Joining the euro is what caused the downfall of the Greek economy and meant they needed to borrow large amounts of money..... you may have noticed that Britain did not join the euro meaning that the Greeks chose to join it.... it was a choice.....