After the longest feeling "snap" election in my memory, we have now arrived at polling day? Obviously Barnsley will re-elect Labour MP's, but what do we all think the overall result will be? If you look through the different polls, I've seen anything from Labour having a 1pt lead, to the Torys's having a 13 point lead. So they ave been helpful, haven't they? Yep, it could be anything thing from a hung Parliament to a Tory landslide according to the "experts." But The last GE showed that that they can be completely wrong, so there is still hope for Labour voters... I think I'd bet on a slightly improved majority May, but what about you?
I think Conservative majority. Bugger knows how many but if fewer than 20 then May won't be their leader. I have to say that I have respect for the way that Corbyn has campaigned and feel that he has improved his profile significantly. Whereas May has been absolutely appalling and the campaign shambolic.
Wow, I thought some of the UKIP and SNP voters last time may have been disaffected Labour voters who may move back to traditional party lines. Hope I'm right.
Which leaders will be in charge on Monday? This is how I'm thinking. Tories return a similar majority - - but it's not the thumping mandate they needed. Corbyn does well - i.e. not the total disaster expected - Maybe takes back 10 SNP seats.but is net 5 up Lib Dems take back a couple of London wishy washy seats.but don't make the gains demanded on a pro- second referendum out on a limb stance Nutall - 4 million votes disappear to one man in Thanet. Sturgeon - The rot has set in - the SNP's heyday is over - down 15 seats overall - 10 labour 3 to lib ems and 2 to tories. May - No Corbyn - Yes Farron - No Nuttall - No Sturgeon - Probably but shouldn't be. Going to be a rocky night for somebody
I hope you are too. I think northern Ukip voters may return to Labour but these will be in safe seats and that southern ones will return to the tories but this will have a greater impact as likely to be in marginal seats. As for the Snp I think the tories will scoop up the anti independence pro Brexit votes.
At the start of the campaign, I predicted a similar size Tory majority, working on Plaid Cymru and SNP holding or increasing their votes, LibDems picking up a few and Labour keeping a similar size, but it appears that the LibDems have collapsed and Labour will increase on last time. I still expect something similar, but the sheer vitriol and outright lies in the main papers today makes anything other than a Tory victory unlikely. At the time, I wasn't expecting to vote as I didn't (and still don't) agree with the Labour stance on Brexit, but the manifesto and performance have convinced me to engage with politics for the first time in over a decade. One thing I can't see is the Scots voting Tory no matter how anti-independence they are - they hate them nearly as much as we do! I think Labour could win some back over the border. I can't see May lasting long unless they pull off a large majority - and that would be nearly as much of a shock as a Labour victory but not in a good way.
Sadly a Tory victory. Can't hazard a guess at their majority. The election results will be decided by whoever wins the majority of the 192 marginal seats being contested. Just hope it's not a landslide. As most pundits predicted Hammond, Hunt and Greening could lose their Cabinet posts and like others due to her abject performance I don't think May will see the full term out as PM. The "men in grey suits" are not happy with how she's performed and I would think she will ultimately pay the price. In the name of Big Daddy, JC and spooky too I hope we don't get Bumbling Boris as her replacement.!!!
A slightly larger majority for Tresemme, with the poisoned chalice of the EU negotiations to follow. It will quickly become apparent that it mattered not one jot whether she had entered those talks with a majority of 2 or 200 - the 27 will regard that with one huge Euro-shrug. Why would a large majority strengthen her hand?? She'll get the titty-lip on, says something else insulting to the EU and come away with absolutely nothing. As others have said on here - gone as leader within 18 months and we'll have another unelected PM to try and salvage something from the ruins of May's legacy. As for Labour, hopefully this brilliant campaign will carry some momentum (no pun intended) through the next parliament and allow the likes of Keir Starmer & Barry Gardiner to shine.
I think you may be right, which is why it is so importation for Labour to have a decent showing at the very least this time to ensure they have something to build on and allow them a better chance next time around... Sent from my iPhone using Barnsley FC BBS Fan Forum mobile app
Well its impossible to predict, given the abject failure of Opinion polls to even hit the corner flag in the last year or so My Fear is an increased Tory Majority I expect the Tories will have a small majority - similar to todays making the whole thing a waste of time a Hung parliament is also a distinct possibility with either the Tories cobbling together something with the DUP and possibly though much less likely support from the Lib Dems, Or Labour and the SNP putting something together though Sturgeon may make that impossible if she demands a second referendum Unless there is a large Tory majority - or an outright Labour one we will all be back again in 18 months as others predict Oh am I predict with total certainty my MP will be Jeremy Hunt. Satan himself could stand as a Tory here and he would still get over half the votes