Sock matching.!! The feeling when you make a pair is really quite liberating Although I have found the outer limits of a cat's true utility ie not very much really.
So - the big question. Would you buy: 20 pairs of identical socks so it doesn't matter if you lose one - all 40 socks match with each other. 20 pairs of radically different socks so each sock has a definite and specific mate.
After a while though, it's what I imagine following Sheffield Wednesday must be like. It starts out full of hope but descends through boredom and banality into bitterness and regret when you are left with an expensive but odd Calvin Klein sock.
So it's come to this!! Talking about sock matching!! Still it is a topic where we can all come together and sort out our differences. A 'heeling' process as long as everyone' toes' the line Coit!
It must be summat with today's little uns. My five year old grandson is the same. Gunna miss em these next few weeks.