No competition. I said at the time it was stupid to let him go, looks even worse now. Got to say without him and Mowatt we look like kids again, Moon/Kitching/Palmer/Styles - all looked out of their depth tonight. Put 2 of them with Sollbauer and Mowatt and it’s a different story. I know we didn’t have much choice with Alex but Sol wanted to stay by all accounts.
He did but I wonder if that feeling was caused by being away from home AND sitting on the bench every week. Not that that really changes anything as to us letting him go
Tonight reminded me of the opening games of the Championship season under Stendel. An inexperienced team with a manager out of his depth.
We needed to have some older heads in the squad. Can't blame him for wanting to go home and be with his family after Covid restrictions though.
Exactly, but we're 2 years further on now and these players are much better they just need a good manager to guide them.
And yet again we had a head coach asking for some experience adding to the squad before a ball was kicked and again it was ignored and we end up with the weakest midfield I’ve seen in years
Its starting to look that way, Schopp just seems to be out of his depth which is sad to say after less than a quarter of a season.
Moon won man of the match against Blackburn, playing on the left of the three. Then, as soon as he was starting to look a bit more comfortable there and we keep a clean sheet, he gets moved to the right where he’s struggled in both games. terrible treatment of a young player.
Crap managers love a scapegoat and ours will run out of players at this rate, Or he's been constantly saying that it's ridiculous to talk about sacking Schopp after only 9 games