Boris set to announce. Worse in every way for the UK than the terms we had under EU membership. Sunlit uplands.
This is the point where we quietly forget about it, while behind the scenes hundreds of side deals are slowly done over many years, addressing all the areas where we had advantages from membership. All of those deals will involve some compromise on sovereignty, because that's what you do when you strike a deal on trade or other areas of co-operation. In time, someone will ask: why don't we rejoin the club and have all the advantages.
It will be spun to death, and the pro-Brexit press will report it as the greatest British victory since World War Two. This will all be lapped up by people who drink in Wetherspoons and complain about immigrants.
Wouldn’t surprise me at all if after they’ve spun it Johnson will leave office and claim his work is done leaving the little guys to clean up the mess
I agree. The mad thing is that that will multiply his earnings and he will celebrate being the man who took us out forever - especially in the Telegraph and the Daily Blackshirt.
ERG are already saying we wanted to take back control of our Cod but we've would up with a load of Pollocks!
Helen, I thought the saying was No Deal is better than a Bad Deal. According to the nutters in the ERG.
I take it you must know the details of the deal then , apparently it is 2000 pages long, so I congratulate you if you somehow managed to get a copy & read through it & find that it is worse in every way , well done
it will be worse than remaining in the EU, but still better than a no deal. scant consolation, but consolation nonetheless. I'm looking forward to bozo claiming 'an incredible day for Britain and the perfect Christmas present to the UK' later on. as long as it doesn't touch JRMs 'tax-efficient' investment portfolio, I expect it will be swiftly voted through.
The great thing about living in a democracy is if someone really isn't happy with whatever the deal is they have over 200 other countries they can choose to move to.