Sounds fair that. Just had ours. Steamed, then sauteed in butter with pancetta. Absolutely bob on. Now falling asleep with a large glass of port....
Yep, definitely sprouts. We used to have them every Sunday growing up anyway so I’ve always liked them but Will hates them so we only have them at Christmas.
Has to be sprouts as part of your Christmas dinner. Various cooking methods are acceptable Stir fried with bacon is probably my favourite. But roast in the oven. Steamed or even boiled as long as not overcooked. The only unacceptable way is the way my Auntie Vera used to do them I am sure she set them going when she put the Turkey in and you just got a green mush splodged onto your plate. Wierd because everything else was really good but the sprouts were overcooked by several hours