just been talking to a mate ( over the front hedge and at least 3m apart) and he reckons i could get my state pension at 65 as i was born in 1956, i cant seem to find anything about it............ anybody know anything ?
I was born 30/03/1956, I will get my state pension in march 2022 (66th birthday). https://www.gov.uk/state-pension-age
If you google state pension age and input your dob it will tell you when you get your pension and when you qualify for a bus pass
Born 8/8/56 and I have had a letter telling me my state pension will begin on my 66th birthday in 2022
My wife was born in 1955 and has just had a letter from the DWP informing that she will get her pension in January 2021.
You can check it online through the government gateway website. Always worth doing in case you need to buy a few years back that you have missed.
I got mine at 65 and 6months Jedi born Feb 1954. Just got a bit of a raise as the wife was due summat she would have retired this year.
Sorry no!. I was born in early March 1954 and my pension started July Last year. MY wife was born only 5 months later July 1954 and had to wait until MAY this year. The younger you are the longer you wait!! You can go on the DWP website register and use your N.I number and to get a projection of your pension and when you will receive it.
What a lift this thread has given me....lol there was I thinking I was one of the old farts on here ....and at 63 I'm but a meer youngster lol.....
Mine is also due in March 2022 I was born in 1956. Have a look at the .gov pension site, it will even tell you how much you are due to get per week based on your current circumstances. I'm due to get £4563 per week, is that about right?