Had a great example today - wifes filling has fallen out, called dentist - not an emergency as you're not in pain - next available appointment is 4th of November, can I ask you some Covid questions? Have you got a temperature? Have you been in contact with anyone with Covid? Hang on a minute, the appointments not for 4 fkn weeks?!??! Yes, but we have to go through the questions. Give me strength. Anyone got any other great examples of blind officialdom covid or otherwise?
Been there, done that, got the T-shirt. Well not actually got the T-shirt, there probably isn't one....
I’ve found that many COVID rules/changes in shops etc actually make the situation worse if that counts. One way systems that cram you in with others where previously there was no mixing issues, etc
I had to wait a week for a filling to be looked at. They put a temp one in, ultimately I needed an extraction. I had it out 4 weeks later. The time slot was for a hour, didn't take that long but due to covid cleaning prior and after the slot time is extended. Also had a scale and polish whilst numbing up. Had to ring the dentist the day before on both occasions for a covid symptom check.
Having moved in with my partner last year and registered with the local GP, I got a letter about a free health check; "Phone for an appointment" it says. Simple? No way. You ring and get the COVID spiel. Ok - the first time. However, woe betide you if you hit 1 for appointments before the COVID message ends, because if you do, it goes back to the effing start. Ok, so I patiently sit and listen to it for the millionth time and finally hit 1 at the right time and I'm in a queue. Crap music and occasional reassurance that I'll be answered in turn. Eventually after the awful music has obliterated most of my remaining brain cells, I get an engaged tone which goes on for 30 seconds or so - at which point the connection is cut. After several attempts, I gave up and called in at the surgery. "No you can't make an appointment except by phone, try after 5pm". Biting back a few earthy expletives I went home and tried again, same result. At this point I wrote a pithy comment on the letter and stuck it through the letterbox, thinking that would be the end of it. Miraculously, I got a call the next day and arranged an appointment for the following week.
The general public do not help either, one way systems that are ignored by the " I do not give a toss mob " & just go which ever way they please .
I didn’t even get a response to my pithy letter, perhaps because in the absence of a pithy letter box I put it in the repeat prescription box?
Delegation for delegations sake. The orphopaedic coordinator sending a list of patient names for Fracture Clinic appointments. They're based at Pinderfields. The patient may be on a ward but rather than contact the ward clerk they send a list to admin at Pontefract to contact the patients. Even though the inpatient is at Pinderfields and they could walk to the ward or contact them quicker themselves. If anybody isn't contacted the consultant isn't happy and it's the fault of a clerk at another effing Hospital.
I went for a checkup in August after making the appointment about 4 month before.I went in the surgery and was asked loads of covid and health questions.Half way through my dentist opened his door and said "Mr ........... have you got covid " I said no ,"right come in then" my 9 monthly check up took about 2 minutes with no notes being taken in fact the dental nurse wasn't in the room.For that privilege I payed £23 +.I'm now looking for another dentist after being at the same practice for about 60 years. Not good enough.
Few years ago daughter was Club Mascot for the day - her mother wasn't allowed in the changing room but she was !! (It was a brilliant day - very well organised.)
It seems my Dentist is a bit of a find then All we have to do is fill in an on line covid questionaire which is about 4 questions long cant do it earlier than 48 hours before appointment - and if you dont do it they just ask you when you get there
I went in a department store last year. It was rammed so I decided against buying anything, and made my way out. The girl at the exit stopped me and told me there was a one way system and i was going out of the entrance. So i was sent back into a crowded shop, to follow the one way system , just so i could use an exit 2 yards away from the entrance. The worst thing is, i actually complied with the nonsense.
Behind the times, now it's schools that can't get deliveries for school dinners and energy price rises.