Starting to become clear why she felt the need to resign and get out of there so quickly. The SNP are falling apart very quickly which can only help Labour.
Unless they fall apart just enough to split the vote between SNP and Labour and let the tories take the seats.
Don't understand the need for the police tent in the garden. Surely it's only paperwork/ computers they'll be looking at?
SNP bigger than any individual. Anyone voting SNP votes for the end game of independence for Scotland and I doubt very much Murrell getting his collar felt will change anyone’s opinion. Scottish Labour here guilty of voting with the tories in the past hence their almost non existence here. People don’t forget.
Unless the Scottish voting psyche is completely different to English then lots of people do indeed forget. The tories have turned a red wall precisely because people forgot.
That is obviously a worry exiled. I honestly believe the Scottish electorate have more savvy about them. The thought of tories getting any foothold here is frightening.
If Murrell is found guilty of any misdoing I hope he is properly punished along with Sturgeon if she had any hand in it. Then we move on with independence in our sights.
Meanwhile health care & education in meltdown, same as the rest of the UK (only worse) #onetrickpony!
Looking like Sturgeon’s husband had sticky fingers. Money has not been accounted for. Not good but bad apples everywhere.
Cheers. I thought it was something violent with the pictures of all the tape, officers and police tent in the garden.