Such a shame for those fans who gave up on the reds as Struber departed. Remember reading comments "I'm done", "I'll never watch the reds", " the owners are killing the club", "players aren't good enough" etc etc. Big Val has brought belief and confidence to players and playing effective football. Hope it continues. Keep the faith.
Noticeable that many of the FB forums are much quieter when we win ....strange bunch football fans. If I thought the same about our club as some of them do I wouldn't bother watching football at all. That may make me a happy clapper in some's eyes but if that is the case then so be it.
I really hope this is the start of a period of stability at the club, and not just a new manager "bounce". The amount of managers/head coaches we have gone through in the past few seasons isn't the way to run any club, so hopefully, big Val is the man end that trend. I just want to find our own Ferguson or Wenger. A bloke to come in and shape the club from top to bottom and make steady improvements year upon year, all while truly falling in love with the club, the town, and the fans. Also, an individual the fans can invest their support and passion in without that constant fear that he will be off at the first sniff of a "bigger" club. Is Val the man to do it?