To make it look a little bit nicer. Lose the red borders around everything. I just don't like them. Keep the red horizontal lines in the header, they seperate nicely, but the borders just dont do it for me. Make the toby image in the logo smaller. About the same height as the two lines of text. Then put a little bit of whitespace padding around it. This should make it look better, and not take up as much room. Make the gap between the header box and the content box smaller. Or remove it. It is wasted space. It only has the post title, and the moderator bit. The title is already in the content box and moderator bit isnt needed. Change the name of the main bbs. I dont like the way it says BARNSLEYFC.ORG.UK -> BBS Just call it bulletin board or something so you get -> Bulletin board When you click on a post it automatically scrolls to the top of the post. Can it scroll a bit further up so you can see the subject, who posted it and time etc. Also I miss the poll sometimes. The page automatically scrolls to the text, but you dont see the poll part because it is above. When you are viewing a post the thread index is shown at the bottom. Can this thread have the current post as a different colour, or not a link at all. You can't tell where you are in the thread, and makes reading complicated threads more difficult. And can you change the hover colour of these links to a different colour. Currently if you have your mouse over a link, it looks like you havent seen that post. When on the post new message page the MBBS Code link should pop into a new window. When you are halfway through a post its a bit annoying that the page gets reloaded. Either remove the ability or give a warning when a post contains music or video. There is nothing worse than opening a post and your speakers suddenly blaring something undesirable across the office while you are trying to quickly close the window or hit the back button. Whoops this looks like its turned into a bit of a rant. Its not meant to be. Hopefully these are constructive, and will help with useability. They are mainly just teething problems and everything else is looking good. Any more ideas to keep city tyke busy?
how about something like this city tyke? <img src=>
RE: how about something like this city tyke? and just in case they arent noticable then changes are that the borders have gone except the two horizontal lines which were changed to a brighter red and the message format was moved to be on the same line as the dropdown box in order to move threads around 50 pixels higher up the screen.
RE: Borders - Better / Worse? I think it looks better. But can you remove the border from the Welcome, There are 0 new messages bit? Just leave the top line seperating it from the section above? And can you add little bit of space between the logo and first red line? I think its a bit close at the minute. Any chance of making the space between the header bit and main content a bit smaller? cheers thanks for looking at these
or just get rid of the first red line which will triple the space between the logo and the words Bulletin Board
the new logo is on now if you're still seeing the old logo press control and F5. if that doesnt work then try clearing your cookies
RE: the new logo is on now Dunno what the F5 button does, but its worked. Thanks. The logo i hoped for hasnt won the vote i see. Are well.
RE: the new logo is on now F5 refreshes the screen (an handy tip to save u having to click the refresh button to see new messages etc). control and F5 clears your cache or something technical like that. basically it means that u can see stuff that have changed.