Hopelessly, embarrassingly out of touch. https://www.theguardian.com/society...-over-excruciating-exchange-with-homeless-man
Regardless of how awkward or not awkward the exchange is I think it's absolutely disgusting that a man worth three quarters of a billion pound who utilises loopholes and non-dom statuses to avoid paying tax on that fortune has the gall to 'volunteer' at a soup kitchen that his own personal tax dodging behaviour has contributed to the nation needing. And to top it off he was only willing to 'volunteer' provided that he was filmed doing so in some fêçked up attempt to make himself look like he cares. The evil bästard hasn't got a soul so how can he care.
How does anyone so stupid get to be PM and so fabulously wealthy? I've been fairly stupid all my life and it's got me nowhere...
He's so out of touch with actual real life and struggle. He probably wonders why homeless people don't just pay to stay in a hotel while they find somewhere to live.
Wasn’t going to post this but. Mrs Statis testing positive for Covid yesterday so our plans are knackered. Managed to get some snap for Christmas then went down the pub on my own as you would. Looking out the window I saw my homeless mate Ben across the road. Finished my pint and went out but he’d gone. Then saw him in my local Indian takeaway down the road. I go in just in case owt happens and he needs some money. Had a chat with him and then the owner (who I know well) comes out with a bag full of snap and hands it over to Ben who says his goodbyes and leaves. I make a move for my wallet, the owner shakes his head. “It is nothing to help.” These foreigners... showing compassion to our homeless.
They don't do empathy....its alienated to the lot of them so they are out of touch.... ....Apparently we've been to the moon but yet we can't find a solution to end the homeless situation amongst other problems the country is facing....Clarkson picked and directed his hate on the wrong target....the lot of them should be made to walk naked the length of the country... whilst we shout shame on the lot of them....as for throwing excrement theres no need they are full of sh.1t to start with
Maybe Sunak should take care to read A Christmas Carol a bit more closely… “But you were always a good man of business, Jacob,” faltered Scrooge. “Business!” cried the Ghost, wringing its hands again. “Mankind was my business! The common welfare was my business; charity, mercy, forbearance, and benevolence, were, all, my business. The dealings of my trade were but a drop of water in the comprehensive ocean of my business!”
We had one Tory MP visit my work the other week. He had no idea why he was meant to be there, was chatting to students who had come from care home backgrounds. Had no idea what to say to them, told them about his wife's multi-million pound business and how he could empathise with them leaving uni without support because he didn't know what to do when he retired
Not clicked on link but, the fkin Tories put them there. Or is it jus me? And yes I know, there was homeless under a Labour Government.