as a 73year old codger lol and ex mineworker i am ofc very interested in politics -didn't like ,corbin' and hate is not the right word for the blue rinse set, but her is the thing on `Suncrak' last year, he held a green card for american citizenship!!!! even while chancellor 'chance' being the premium word. married to---- (Ms Murty, (Another green card holder)the daughter of an Indian billionaire, Who has revealed she has "non-dom" status, meaning she does not pay UK tax on overseas earning, which the BBC estimates saves her more than £2m a tax (care of BBC 8th April) i don't know whether since then, she has now reverted to paying her taxes, but put another way profit from 2019-2021 6 million at 10% is £200000 a year £4000 a week a very nice little earner compared to £175 week pensioner from state pension- interesting to say the least.
I find it disgusting that people living in this country can avoid or evade taxes claiming they don’t reside here . The fact the Chancellors own family have done it should bar him from ever having any decisions on the running of this country at all levels . This is the stink from our politicians and they get bolder and more brazen every year , it is in most political party’s (mainly Tory ) and I can’t see how we stop it unless the Press give them up which given the status of the Press Barons I won’t hold my breath . I can genuinely understand someone trying to save a little bit from the tax man (not condone it ) but some are paying nothing but reaping all the benefits this country offers . What’s more galling is these people stand up and shout about benefit fraud from the rooftops and pass laws to stop genuine claimants and does nothing to stop fraud . Also Benefit fraud is for Millions whilst these tax evaders cost us billions , it’s scandalous imo .
This is why I hope he wins the race. 1: He beats off the threat of the Tory right-wing 2: He’s gonna get absolutely slaughtered by his opponents and much of his own party.
I think Starmer will have no trouble with any of them but I bet he's hoping for Truss, thick as pig muck, he'd tear her to pieces....
Think she could do a lot of damage in two years though. Worst candidate by a mile. Read recently about Mrs Sunak and the furlough and business support loans her gym company pocketed then went bust owing HMRC shed loads, apparently not the first time that's happened either. For the last two decades our politicians have spent too long rubbing shoulders with Russian oligarchs and kleptocracy has rubbed off on them
He tore Johnson to pieces regularly at PMQ, but he surrounded himself with horrible people in his cabinet. Let’s not forget many people will have the view that it wasn’t Johnson’s horrible policies that unseated him,it was his own ‘bad behaviour’
I'm not sure any of the 5 contenders will have the ability to bluster like BoJo and will be trapped into damaging admissions. They might also be more inclined to tell the truth which will be painful.
Well that wont be Mordaunt then as she can give Bozo a run on the sticking to proveable lies stakes And Truss is so thick she may not even know when she is lying - PMQ's would be fun though